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Krzysztof Filipiak

Professor Krzysztof J. Filipiak, MD, PhD, FESC is a cardiologist, internal medicine specialist, specialist in arterial hypertension and clinical pharmacologist. He graduated from the Medical Univeristy of Warsaw, Poland, completed his scientific and clinical interships in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Rio de Janeiro, Geneva. Currently, he holds a full professor position at the 1st Chair and Department of Cardiology, and a position of Medical Sciences Council Chairman at the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. He is President of the Polish Hypertension Society, co-founder and Past-President of Polish Cardiac Society Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy Working Group. He also acts as the Governor for Poland of the International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. He is a former Editor-in-chief of the “Kardiologia Polska” (the official journal of Polish Cardiac Society) and currently Executive Editor of “the Cardiology Journal”. His research areas focus on dyslipidaemias, coronary syndromes, heart failure, cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and prevention with >400 papers indexed in PubMed. He has a great experience in teaching and tutoring (22 PhDs, 53 PhD reviews), and some of his co-edited text books are well recognized. (Polish Wikipedia Entry)