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Ceren Eyileten

Ceren Eyileten is a veterinary medicine doctor who graduated from Istanbul University, Turkey. She finished her Master of Science degree in Medical Faculty of Istanbul University, at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, Turkey and received her PhD degree at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland in 2019. At the Medical University of Warsaw she has been a manager of the Pharmacogenomic Laboratory since 2019 and has hold assistant professor position since 2020. Her publications (30; IF>100; >200 citations; h-index: 7) and her research focus on novel biomarkers for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neurodegenerative and neurovascular diseases. She developed her laboratory experience as an invited researcher at several universities; Laboratory of Perioperative Genomics, Penn State College of Medicine in the US in 2016, Magna Garcia University, Catanzaro in 2018. She obtained her first research grant in 2017 and since then she has been a co-coordinator of several research grants.